Berdasarkan Surat Bursa Efek Indonesia No. S-06348/BEI.POP/06-2024 Perihal Pemberitahuan Tambahan atas Penonaktifan Fitur Market Order Fill or Kill (FOK) pada Sistem JATS, bersama dengan ini dapat kami sampaikan kepada Nasabah hal-hal sebagai berikut :
Based on the Letter of the Indonesia Stock Exchange No. S-06348/BEI.POP/06-2024 Regarding Additional Notification of the Deactivation of the Market Order Fill or Kill (FOK) Feature on the JATS System, herewith we can convey to the Customers the following matters :
1. Fitur Market Order Fill or Kill (FOK) akan di nonaktifkan efektif mulai tanggal 24 Juni 2024.
Market Order Fill or Kill (FOK) feature will be deactivated effective from June 24, 2024.
2. Adapun fitur Market Order lainnya seperti Fill and Kill (FAK) dan Market to Limit (MTL) tetap dapat digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
2. Other Market Order features such as Fill and Kill (FAK) and Market to Limit (MTL) can still be used as appropriate.